Friday, January 4, 2008

Our Alien Baby

As you might remember (even given our decently long hiatus this past month), we're having our second in early June, D-day to be exact. This morning we went for Joy's normal check-up and an ultrasound. That meant that we got to see great pictures like this one:That's right, we got to see that we're having a humanoid blob with clear nasal passages and a spine! Ah, the miracles of technology. All is well with TK and with Joy; our baby is developing nicely and is at the alien stage of development, with large eyes peering up at you and little nasal definition. And, he has all his parts. That's right, we discovered that we're having another boy, so Sam gets a younger brother and we don't have to buy a ton of new stuff.

All in all a good visit. And just for all you budding TK junkies, here's his foot:


Jaime Olson said...

"Oh wow! A BOY!!!!!" (My best Sam impression). That's fantastic, you two. Congrats!!!

Becky said...

TK? Am I missing something? Is it The Kid?

Andrew said...

Yeah, we've been calling him TK for a while for "The Kid," just until he has a name. But it is nice to be able to say "he" now.

Tad said...

Yay! Two boys are fun! And yes, it's quite handy to recycle clothes and toys. Our current difficulty is helping Zachary to understand that not all toys in the house are intended for him. If we go 30 minutes without saying, "Give that back to Isaac," or "That's Isaac's toy, not yours," or "We need to SHARE, remember?" ...then something is wrong. I must admit, however, that it's awfully cute, despite the defiance it shows, when Zachary responds to requests (such as sharing) with a calm, indifferent expression and says, "Sorry Daddy. I can't share."

Andrew said...

Those responses are the best and the worst at the same time, indeed. Last Christmas when Sam and Eli were both at my parents' house, Sam would be playing with a toy and Eli would say "No, Sam, we have to play together." That was code for, "you play with the toys I don't want to play with." I see the same thing happening to TK once he gets a little older and wants to play with Sam.