Wednesday, June 25, 2008


True, we're swamped these days with adjusting our house to its newest inhabitant, but that doesn't mean we haven't been thinking about you, our reader. So here quickly are two Samisms from this week.

First, I knew that I'd be sharing birthday celebrations with Noah since our birthdays are only 12 days apart, but I never knew I'd be sharing them with Sam. On Monday, Joy asked him whose birthday it was and Sam pointed and me and declared "Yours!" He then thought and moment and followed up his answer with "and Mine!" I suppose he has been getting presents and lots of chocolate cake recently.

Second, last night I was bathing Noah when Sam wandered up. He stared at Noah's shriveled umbilical cord stump and exclaimed "Baby Noah's penis is black!" I really have no witty comeback for that one.

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