Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Tale of Neenga

We spent all day at church today because tomorrow night, our choir is presenting Bach's Christmas Oratorio with Joy singing the soprano solos and yours truly making his debut as a timpani player. Since Joy is singing some hard solos and duets, she's been practicing most evenings after supper before we put the boys to bed. Sam loves to hear Joy practice, loves to accompany her on the piano or his egg shakers or his (duck) whistle even more, and loves her warm-ups best of all, especially her vocalization on "neenga." While she practices, she often tells Sam the story that she is singing, which has been a wonderful way to introduce Sam to the Christmas story this year.

But the other day Joy decided she'd been practicing a bit too much. She came to that conclusion after hearing Sam come up to me in the kitchen and proudly proclaim that Mom was singing about God and Jesus and David and a little boy named Neenga.

Me? I think he got it about right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sam always brings a smile to my face and laughter to my heart. I love this latest "Sam" story and I have a friend who loves to hear his stories as well, so I will share this latest one with him.