This past year, no show has caught our fancy like Heroes. The show follows the exploits of ordinary people who wake up one day to discover they have extraordinary powers. The show plays to that desire we all have to be something, or do something, beyond our everyday existence. I mean, who wouldn't want to be able to stop time and teleport like Hiro or fly like Nathan? (Ok, maybe not fly exactly like Nathan...)
But I've discovered that people in my family have superpowers as well. Like Joy, for instance. She has the amazing ability to sense when dairy products are about to go bad. You think I'm kidding, but she can tell with uncanny accuracy three days before milk goes bad. This afternoon at lunch, she stopped eating her quesadillas, looked at them quizically, and declared that the cheese was close to going bad. She could make a killing in the dairy industry but hides her talents and dedicates her life to protecting her family from bad dairy.
Or even Sam. He has the amazing ability of supersonic selective hearing. We'll be walking outside and suddenly he'll stop, cock his head, and cry "beep, beep!" He can hear a car going beep from three miles away. But come dinner when we ask him to put his toys away, he doesn't hear a thing. A truly amazing power.
What's my power, you might ask? I'm the Dr. Suresh in this Heroes equation. I find out about their powers, keep them safe, clean up after them. Not glamorous, but certainly necessary.
So what about you? Any superpowers lurking out there?
P.S. Hey Stephen, I've figured out why Peter doesn't fly at the end. He either has enough problems controlling one power that using two at a time is beyond him or he simply can't use two at a time. He never does during the 1st season.
P.P.S. Yes, this is what watching this show reduces you to. Don't you want to start watching too?
Self-doubt in the tech industry
1 year ago
I imagine that's the answer for why Peter didn't fly, but if so, it's lame that they didn't set it up far more obviously.
My superpower is that I find things in the house. I can remember where the most piddly thing lives. The caveat to this is that I have to have handled it or placed it in it's home for me to remember where it is.
I think it's somewhat genetic as well, my mom had it.
It seems worthless to many (and Tad has yet to fully appreciate my greatness in this area) but I can predict with almost perfect accuracy how long it will take us all to get ready for any particular outing, be it going to church or going on a trip. I am never late. Really. It's kind of freaky. And even more importantly, I can predict exactly what will happen that will end up making Tad be late. :)
My superpower is that I can look at the amount of leftovers we have sitting out and pick the EXACT size of rubbermaid that will hold it. Exactly. That's genetic in that my mom and grandma have it too.
Wow, my friends have such great powers! Misty, we especially need your power right now because Joy has lost her keys in our house.
My power is the ability to isolate the main thing I need to get out the door with every morning, and leave it sitting by the door. Works without fail.
I can also smell ear infections.
Smelling ear infections? What, pray tell, do they smell like?
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