Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Hatchin' Grow Dino, Day One

We'll get back to more serious, weighty topics eventually, but I wanted to take time out to chronicle the amazing development of my Hatchin' Grow Dino:
Hatchin', as I've taken to calling him, was a gift from some dear friends for my birthday. He arrived in the mail while we were gone to the lake, so I'm only now helping him out of his egg. The package boldly claims that if I allow the egg to sit in the water undisturbed for 48 - 72 hours, my "Hatchin' Grow Dino (tm) will break out of its shell and begin to grow!" This afternoon, Sam and I gently put Hatchin' in his watery nest:
There he sits, and here we wait. I'll keep posting pictures and let you know how Hatchin' grows.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Hi Etta tagged one of you, and I've tagged the other