Thursday, May 29, 2008

Big Boy Room - The Curtains

I mentioned that we decided to put a ceiling fan in Sam's room, and you probably thought that we were finished with his room months ago. You would have thought wrong. We were simply on hiatus. We've been thinking about curtains for his room for months while the day grew steadily longer, the sun poked Sam in the eyes earlier and earlier, and we got less and less sleep.

About a month ago, when the days began slanting towards summer, we began discussing curtains in earnest again. Back in January, when we moved Sam into the room, we settled on Roman shades for his windows and even bought a set on sale at Target. But the red didn't match at all and they were returned and the windows languished. Joy decided she would make some shades and found a woman online who made custom patterns for extremely cheap. She ordered the pattern, got the list of materials, and then life pushed those plans to the side.

Then on Sunday, Joy got inspired to finish the curtains. She went to the fabric store, found all the hardware, and discovered that buying fabric and hardware was as expensive as buying pre-made shades. Have I mentioned that we have a baby due in a week? Joy elected to take advantage of Memorial Day sales and went to Linens and Things and Target and found shades and a rod and even got an extra % off because she didn't have a coupon and the saleslady took pity on her. Sunday afternoon, I climbed up on Sam's bed and finally hung curtains:
The result? Sam played with them all Sunday night and didn't fall asleep until after 10:00. He seems to like peaking out from behind them at the figures and shapes passing by. But Monday morning he slept until 8:00. Tuesday morning and every morning since he's slept until 7:30, even with falling asleep at a reasonable hour. For our sleep-challenged son, that's a welcome step days before we stop sleeping with the new one.

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