Sunday, May 4, 2008

Potty Training Strikes Back

As many parents do when potty training their child, we have books galore on the subject littering our house. There's the classic Everyone Poops, the charming Once Upon a Potty, and Sam's current favorite The Potty Book - For Boys. We talk way too much about bodily functions at our house, and since we decided long ago that instead of using sobriquets for body parts (wee-wee being the most common in our books) we'd call them by their proper names, we've had some insightful and some downright weird conversations recently.

Nothing beats Thursday morning, though. Sam was sitting at the kitchen table, finishing a mid-morning snack while Joy was busy rearranging our random utensil drawer (or whatever else nesting-late-pregnancy women are compelled to do). Getting down to the bottom of his sippy cup, he unscrewed the lid to drain the last few precious drops of apple juice. Doing so, he became entranced with the bottom of the lid. He cocked his head to the side and looked at the strange apparatus hanging down from the lid and then declared:

"My cup has a penis! Look Mom!"

You don't even want to know where the poop discussions randomly come back to haunt us.


duchess said...

Z recently learned his shapes (he's a little over 2 now) and he likes to look at himself while sitting on the potty seat and proudly proclaim, "Here is a circle!"

We haven't really read the kid-level potty books - maybe we should do that to get over the current bump in training.

wtspb2007 said...

What a funny story! I linked to you post in my blog, which is all about potty training. I'd love to hear more funny potty training stories from other parents as well.
Thanks for the laugh!

Suzanne Riffel, author of "The Potty Boot Camp: Basic Training for Toddlers"

Andrew said...

Thanks for the link. Yes, we have many stories about potty training, and I'm sure more will come up as we continue down this road.